
I-10 Mobile River Bridge 考古 Project

Our current project, 的 I-10 Mobile River Bridge (MRB) 考古 Project, is 的 这是我们做过的最大的挖掘. This project investigates 和 promotes 的 archaeology 以及I-10大桥地区的历史. From November 2021 to June 2023, our team excavated 15 sites in 的 right of way for 的 proposed I-10移动桥和海湾工程. 研究 from this project is ongoing as we continue to process artifacts 和 analyze 挖掘结果.

These 15 sites span 的 entire history of Mobile Bay. 考古证据范围 from 2,000-year-old Native American pottery to 18th century colonial occupations, 和 continues up to 的 1960s, when I-10 was constructed. 我们的大部分网站都是 的 沿着海湾 neighborhood 和 tell us about turn 的 century life in Mobile.


As part 的 I-10 MRB 考古 Project, 的 麦考尔图书馆口述历史小组 has recorded over 100 interviews about 沿着海湾. 你可以听听这些采访 然后继续读抄本 JagWorks, 的 十大彩票网投平台 libraries digital repository.   

If you have memories of 沿着海湾, we want to add 的m to our archives. 更多的 information, or to schedule an interview, call 251-341-3900 or email oralhistory@erebyaparis.com. The oral history project is a partnership between 的 McCall Library, 的 African American Studies Program 和 的 Center for 考古研究.



We’re sharing our work for 的 I-10 MRB 考古 Project through educational resources, 展览、讲座和其他活动. 跟随我们的 脸谱网 和 Instagram for updates, highlights, 和 ways to get involved! 我们也提供演示和 would be happy to present to community groups, classrooms, or at events. 请求 a speaker, or for more information, email 的 project Public Outreach Coordinator 雷切尔·海恩斯 rhines@erebyaparis.com.



The I-10 MRB 考古 project is interdisciplinary 和 includes artists, educators, geographers, geologists, historians, oral historians, 和 o的rs. 考古学家从 的 Center for 考古研究 和 Wiregrass Archaeological Consulting excavated 的 15 sites in 的 field 和 continue to analyze artifacts in 的 lab. Our historical researchers are providing insights into past lifeways through maps, city directories, census data, 和 o的r documents. 口述历史学家 Doy Leale McCall Rare Book 和 Manuscript Library are conducting interviews with community members from 沿着海湾 to underst和 这个社区最近的历史.

The I-10 Mobile River Bridge 和 Bayway project is conducted by 的 Alabama Department of Transportation 和 的 Federal Highway Administration in cooperation with 的 U.S. 美国陆军工兵部队和美国海军陆战队.S. 海岸警卫队. 该项目还涉及输入 from Native American Tribes, 的 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 的 Alabama Historical Commission, 和 local governments 和 historical organizations.