


The 马克思图书馆 Auditorium and 教室 are scheduled foremost as library instruction 设施. The auditorium is designed for large classes (124 seating capacity and four wheelchairs), as well as to meet other needs that exceed the space in other Library 教室. It is also available for other co-sponsored University purposes as time 是可用的. However, for small classes or events, the requester will normally be 转到合适的教室.

Reservations or requests for using exterior space are referred to the Director of 学生中心. (参见下文“大学空间、设施和场地的使用”.”) Also, expressive activities within 100 feet of the 马克思图书馆 are off limits.
Requests to use the auditorium must be submitted and approved by the 库 Dean’s 办公室设在马克思图书馆. 审批将基于以下优先事项:

  • 图书馆指导课
  • 需要使用媒体资源的类
  • 学术活动
  • Non-Library事件
  • 非大学事件

The 马克思图书馆 Auditorium and 教室 are not authorized for:

  • 音乐活动或戏剧
  • 定期上课
  • Groups that present controversial topics or functions that constitute a clear and imminent danger to the lives or property of members of the University community (See “大学空间、设施和场地的使用”.
  • 礼堂小团体(少于40人)


▼   取消:

组织的取消: If an organization needs to cancel an auditorium reservation, they should notify 尽快去院长办公室. 取消预订失败会拒绝其他人 the use of the auditorium and can result in the organization losing reservation privileges. Those who abuse this privilege will be monitored and may be denied future use of the 图书馆礼堂或会议室.

图书馆取消预约: Occasionally, it may be necessary to give priority to (or cancel) one event in favor 另一个. If a cancellation is necessary, the organization holding the reservation 会尽快得到通知吗.

▼   设备

使用设备必须在预订表格上提出要求. 设备包括:

  • 带有CD-ROM驱动器的可上网PC机
  • 投影功能
  • 麦克风
  • 录像机/ DVD
  • 照明控制

图书馆受过培训的技术人员有限. 还有晚上和周末的要求 as non-university events, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may require a fee to setup, take down or troubleshoot audiovisual equipment. 如果是,组织 申请获批准后会获通知吗. 通常是图书馆管理局 will determine the appropriate fee for non-affiliated groups and collect funds.

▼   用户的职责:
  1. The requesting organization is responsible for returning 礼堂 to its original 条件. The user will be required to pay all damage loss, and the cost of excessive 清理. 非大学团体也可能需要缴纳损坏押金.
  2. Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceiling tiles, furniture or screen in or around 礼堂.
  3. Fire code prohibits any open flames, including incense or candles.
  4. The Emergency door may not be opened except in case of fire or other emergency.
  5. Personal equipment, supplies, or belongings cannot be stored or left in 礼堂 或图书馆.
  6. 图书馆对遗失或被盗的物品概不负责.
  7. 礼堂内禁止吸烟、饮料和食物.
  8. Teachers (K-12) or adults must supervise students and children at all times.
  9. 噪音必须控制在合理的水平.
  10. The Library cannot be used as a contact for information about the event.
  11.  Copyright guidelines are followed when showing movies or videos.
▼   版权指南:
Copyright laws apply anytime a film, DVD, videotape or any other audiovisual work 图书馆里有哪些书. 音像制品是否购买、租用或借用 from the library, always verify that the movie has public performance rights (PPR). 请参阅本网站的版权指引.
▼   费用

The purpose of this policy is to clarify use policies and fee schedules for University 附属和非附属组织或团体. 该政策包括使用 礼堂, Room 181, and Room 171 in the University Library.


It is the policy of the University Library not to charge room or equipment fees to 大学附属组织. 但是,流通服务通常需要 at least one member of the organization to become familiar with light and equipment 控制.

  • $25.00 per hour fee will be charged to 大学附属组织 using audiovisual 晚上使用设备(下午4点以后).m.)及周末时间(星期六及星期日) 当技术人员必须在场时,收回成本.
  • $25.00 per hour fee will be charged 大学附属组织 requesting that a Circulation Services staff member provide technical assistance with audiovisual equipment that is beyond initial setting up and taking down of equipment, familiarization 培训和故障排除.
  • $25.如果需要,最低清洁费00美元.


At the discretion of the Dean of the 大学图书馆, the following fees apply:

  • $25.正常营业时间每小时收费00英镑(上午8:00).m. 至下午5时.m. 周一 (星期五)
  • $50.晚上时段(下午五时后)每小时收费00元.m.)和周末时间(星期六) 和周日).
  • $25.如果需要,最低清洁费00美元.
  • Additional fees may apply if a technician is required for setup or to troubleshoot equipment, if damage occurs, or if excessive 清理 is required.