
  • 舞台上的学生
  • 学生 on stairs outside at campus.
  • People gathered for luncheon sitting at tables.
  • 舞台上的学生
  • Table decorations at luncheon.
  • People gathered for luncheon sitting at tables.
  • People gathered for luncheon sitting at tables.
  • 午餐袋.
  • Music playing at luncheon.
  • People gathered for luncheon sitting at tables.

The 灵魂美食午宴 is a well attended annual event sponsored by the Multicultural 领导中心. The University of 南 Alabama family enjoys a meal and an inspiring message through song and dance encouraging hope and perseverance.

SFL is an one hour celebration showcasing campus unity. 我们的座右铭是:
One Shine, All Shine together!

Check Out this video from this past year's 灵魂美食午宴. 我们希望这些 testimonials can give you a glimpse of what the event is about. 你也可以检查 out more by going to our Youtube Channel: USA Office of Multicultural Student Affairs