
Master of Science in Psychology: Behavioral 和 Brain Sciences Emphasis

Experimental 心理学家s use scientific methods to explore behavior in humans 和 动物.



There are two routes to enter the Behavioral 和 Brain Sciences (BBS) program: The 传统的米.S. 程序(见下文)和 加速学士到硕士(ABM)计划. The latter option (ABM) is for currently enrolled USA students who wish to to take 大四期间的研究生课程. 这个项目的好处包括申请 graduate credits toward your undergraduate degree, allowing you to complete the BA 和MS只用了5年.

The Master of Science program in 心理学 includes a core curriculum designed to provide students with knowledge of current theories, principles, 和 methods of experimental 心理学. For full-time students, two years are generally required to complete masters 工作. While a rare graduate course might be offered at night, it is only possible 通过白天上课来完成学位要求.

这个项目的学生 will take courses that are designed to provide more extensive information in research design as well as theoretical background related to the student's thesis research. Sub-specialties may include, but are not limited to, personality 和 individual differences, 动物认知,发展心理学,记忆,心理语言学,
心理生理学,以及教与学的学术研究. 该培训将提供 students the critical background knowledge to be successful at research or to pursue 在他们选择的领域获得博士学位.

Experimental 心理学家s use scientific methods to explore behavior in humans 和 动物.


为什么我们会有特定的行为方式? 什么影响我们的行为? 我们的行为 塑造我们一生的经历? 

These are just a few examples of the types of 问题 that experimental 心理学家s 通过基础研究和应用研究寻求答案. 从某种意义上说,所有的心理学家都是 experimental 心理学家s because of the discipline’s focus on a research base for 他们所有的工作. 然而, experimental 心理学家s often devote their full-time professional lives to conducting 和 publishing research — often spending years on a specific research 问题. These 心理学家s have a passion for solving problems 和 exploring theoretical 问题. 他们研究人类和动物之间广泛的行为主题, including sensation, perception, attention, memory, cognition, emotion 和 more.


Experimental 心理学家s use scientific methods to collect data 和 perform research. They can 工作 in varied settings, including universities, research centers, the government 私营企业. 和实验心理学家做的研究完全一样 may depend on a number of factors, including his or her educational background, interests 和就业领域. 通常是受过实验心理学训练的心理学家 contribute across subfields , using scientific research to provide insights that improve teaching 和 learning, create safer 工作places, 和 promote healthy child development, 举几个例子. 

Those who 工作 in academia often teach 心理学 courses in addition to performing 研究并在心理学期刊上发表他们的发现.


A career as an experimental 心理学家 starts out with a bachelor’s degree in 心理学. A strong grounding in how to collect 和 analyze data is key to becoming an experimental 心理学家.

Some people choose to 工作 in a lab or on other research teams after earning their 硕士学位. 经过几年的亲身体验后,许多人回到学校 获得博士学位. 

In addition, specialty areas such as human factors 心理学 和 industrial 和 organizational (IO) 心理学 often have a very strong research focus, 和 professionals who 工作 in these areas often make experimentation 和 research the major focus of their careers.


根据APA 2015年的报告 工资调查, median annual salaries for experimental, social, 和 IO 心理学家s ranged from $85,000 to $125,000. 该调查收集了在美国工作的心理学家的工资数据 faculty positions, research positions, research administration 和 applied 心理学. 


美国心理学会的成员 部门3 promote scientific inquiry through teaching 和 research, 和 support experimental 通过心理学的宣传和教育项目.

探索的来龙去脉 心理学研究 with information about research tools 和 methods, research ethics, publishing 和 资金.

部门21 是心理学和科技的交汇处吗. 应用实验与工程 心理学 aims at developing human-centered approaches to the design of myriad objects, 机器和系统. 这是一个不断发展的领域,有着巨大的职业回报潜力 机会.


请参阅 行为与脑科学学生手册(PDF) 详细信息.



  1. 获得认可的高等教育机构颁发的学士学位
  2. 最低平均绩点为3分.所有本科课程的成绩都是00分(A=4).0).
  3. Completion of at least 21 semester hours of 心理学 courses on the undergraduate level including at least one course in statistics 和 one in experimental methods.
  4. 要求官方GRE成绩,但不是必需的. 传统上被录取的学生 had summed scores above 300 on the verbal 和 quantitative subtests of the GRE. 然而, 每个申请人都将被单独评估,并在整体基础上进行评估. 重要的是, strong GRE scores may be beneficial for students looking to offset weaknesses in their 应用程序(e.g.(低GPA).

Applicants who do not meet the requirements for regular admission may be considered 如有空位,供临时入场. 

请参阅 设施申请程序 了解更多信息. 有关此计划的查询应直接向 研究生秘书,万达女帽设计师:

(251) 460-6622