

The objective of psychology, as a science, is to understand, explain, and predict 生物体的行为. The 部门 of Psychology has developed and organized 它的课程设置要满足三个主要目标. 点击上面的标题了解更多 十大彩票网投平台这个令人兴奋的职业.

Click here for a one page guide on required and recommended classes for a major or 辅修心理学


同伴咨询是你的 第一站 在心理咨询过程中. 同侪顾问将引导你进入该部门, 它的需求,并帮助你建立你的时间表.

同伴咨询由Taylor Schackelford (B.A.她是一名研究生 在心理学中.  


Peer advising will take place through Zoom or In-person in UCOM 1106 inside the Psychology 部门. 所有 in-person appointments must wear a mask and maintain 3 feet distance 和顾问在一起.


Fall 2023: 小时 on Zoom or In Person-请 let Taylor know which YOU prefer!

哪里:ucom 1106


星期几 时间(年代)
周一              1:15 -4:15
周二              11:15-3:15
周三       9:00-1:00
周四            9:00-1:00

** Appointments are available outside the above listed hours by contacting psychology_advising@erebyaparis.com

**预约链接: http://usajaguars.campus.eab.com/pal/e1RztAi27O

When you select a time slot, please indicate whether you want IN PERSON or ZOOM in LOCATION字段.

Appointments with your academic 顾问 are made through Navigate 南. 

  • Your 顾问 is required to have time slots listed in Navigate 南.
  • 请发电子邮件或致电系主任. 雪莉-特伦布莱,如果你的导师有的话 没有在“向南导航”中列出建议时段. 251-460-6883或jstremblay@erebyaparis.com.

什么是学术指导? 点击这里了解更多!

我如何找到我的导师? 点击这里学习!

所有 psychology majors are assigned to a faculty member who will serve as their academic 顾问. 学生 may request a specific faculty member if they have a preference. To request a specific 顾问 or to change 顾问s, students should see the department 秘书.

A student should consult with his or her academic 顾问 in planning courses schedules 还要做其他的学术决定. 学术顾问是一个人 student should take any questions concerning degree requirements or other academic 政策和程序. The 顾问 will make recommendations to students concerning degree requirements and other academic matters, but it is ultimately the student's 确保满足所有要求的责任. 建议学生 meet with their academic 顾问 at least once a year.


学生 must complete general education requirements and must also complete requirements 无论是大调还是小调. The 心理学系 is a part of the College of 艺术与科学. The student must, therefore, meet general education courses specified 艺术与科学学院. 这些可以在 学术课程页面 文理学院网站. 心理学的课程要求 专业如下. 学生 should discuss the choice of a minor with the academic 顾问. Requirements for a minor are specified by the department of the chosen minor. (学位要求讲义)


最少的 心理学36个学时 包括 30 hours from the undergraduate core and six hours of electives.

文科和理科专业的学生可以通过一个 最少120学期 工作时间,除非另有指定. 至少 30个小时的课程 which represents 25% of the required 120 hours, must be at the 上级级别 in order to fulfill the University’s residency requirement. 至少 15 of the 30 upper-division hours must be in the major or concentration area. An 整体 平均绩点 (GPA) 2分.0 毕业要求. 另外,最少 GPA 2.0 是必需的 学生主修或专注的领域



主题区域 课程数量 要求
核心 PSY 120或121 220 310 320 所有
发展 鸟叔350,456 取一个
社会/人格 鸟叔340、435、440 取两个
顶石 鸟叔412,414 取一个
实验 317 * 416420 * 428475 取两个

*You can take either PSY 420 or PSY 317, but not both 

The remaining six hours of electives needed for a major may be taken from any courses 未修过(不包括PSY 250). 准备毕业的学生 study are encouraged to take all courses listed in the undergraduate core and any additional courses recommended by their faculty 顾问. 鼓励学生进行研究 by the faculty and students may obtain course credit for individual student research 项目在PSY 494. (学位要求讲义)


最少的 21 semester hours in Psychology, 包括 PSY 120 or 121, 220 and 15 semester hours of electives (twelve of those must be in courses numbered 300 or above).


If you are interested in receiving Honors in Psychology, you may complete a senior 荣誉论文(PSY 499). You do not need to be a member of the University Honors program 获得心理学方面的荣誉. (请按此浏览指引 为攻读心理学荣誉学位的学生准备的.)


For more information concerning scholarships, please go to JagSpot.


More information about academic advising can be found on the College of Arts & 科学 建议 本科/研究生公告.



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