Boilerplate Language Examples for 搬运工在美国


Please cite the publication below in study manuscripts using 搬运工 for data collection 和管理. We recommend the following boilerplate language:

Study data were collected and managed using 搬运工 electronic data capture tools hosted 在十大彩票网投平台.1 搬运工 (研究电子 Data Capture) is a secure, web-based application designed to support data capture for research studies, providing 1) an intuitive interface for validated data entry; 2) audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures; 3) automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages; and 4) procedures for importing data from external sources.

1保罗一. 哈里斯,Robert 泰勒,Robert Thielke Jonathon 佩恩,Nathaniel Gonzalez, 何塞·G. 康德, 研究 electronic data capture (搬运工) - A metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing 翻译研究信息学支持, J Biomed 通知. 2009年4月,42 (2):377 - 81.




搬运工 (研究电子 Data Capture) data collection projects rely on a thorough study-specific data dictionary defined in an iterative self-documenting process by 研究的所有成员. The iterative development and testing process results in a well-planned data collection strategy for individual studies. 搬运工还包含 a survey tool for building and managing online surveys. 研究团队可以创造 and design surveys in a web browser and engage potential respondents using a variety 通知方法. Both 搬运工 and 搬运工 Survey systems provide secure, web-based applications that are flexible enough to be used for a variety of types of research, provide an intuitive interface for users to enter data and have real time validation rules (with automated data type and range checks) at the time of entry. 这些系统 offer easy data manipulation with audit trails and reporting and an automated export mechanism to common statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata, R/S-Plus).



搬运工 (研究电子 Data Capture) data collection projects rely on a thorough study-specific data dictionary defined in an iterative self-documenting process by 研究小组的所有成员. The iterative development and testing process results in a well-planned data collection strategy for individual studies. 搬运工服务器 are securely housed in an on-site limited access data center managed by the Computer 在十大彩票网投平台的中心. 所有基于网络的信息传输 是加密的. The data is all stored on a private, firewall protected network. 所有 users are given individual user ids and passwords and their access is restricted on 特定于角色的基础. 搬运工 was developed specifically around HIPAA-Security guidelines and is implemented and maintained according to 十大彩票网投平台 guidelines. 搬运工 currently supports > 500 academic/non-profit consortium partners on six continents 38,800名研究终端用户.


P.A. 哈里斯,R. Thielke R. 泰勒,J. 佩恩,N. 冈萨雷斯,J.G. 康德. 研究电子 Data Capture (搬运工) – A metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing 翻译研究信息学支持. 生物医学信息学报,2008 (doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010).

P.A. 哈里斯,R. 泰勒,R. Thielke J. 李,R. 桑德斯,M. 矶,H. 霍华德,年代. Hemphill C. McGraw B. Nieves,. Peshansky,. 尼达,M. 林. 搬运工联盟 Project: A Case Study in Collaborative Software Development for Clinical 研究 信息学. (Panel Presentation – AMIA Spring Conference, 2008)

P. 哈里斯,R. Thielke R. Schuff J. 欧贝得,M. Oium. 搬运工财团-一个案例 study in translational research informatics resource sharing among academic 机构. (AMIA春季会议,2007年.A. 哈里斯. 搬运工(研究电子数据采集) project progress report for informatics resource sharing / collaboration at ten academic 机构. (临床研究,2007)

P.A. 哈里斯,N. 冈萨雷斯,席尔瓦-拉莫斯,J.G. 康德. 基于web的数据收集-协作 development of metadata collection and export modules. (临床研究,2006.A. 哈里斯,J.D. 佩恩. Creating custom web-based data collection systems. (临床研究, 2005)(抽象)