Writing for the Web

"There are a few tricks to writing properly for the web. If you know how to write, you are already 95% of the way there."


Web writing is totally different to writing for printed matter. 我们倾向于 scan content on the web hunting for the information we're after, as opposed to reading word-for-word. 作为一个 result of this, there are certain guidelines you should be sure to follow when writing copy for your website:

1. Use clear and simple language

Reading from computer screens is tiring for the eyes and about 25% slower than reading from printed matter. 

一些 技术 for using clear and simple language include:

  • Avoid slang or jargon
  • Use shorter words where possible
  • Avoid complex sentence structures - Try to include just one idea or concept per sentence
  • Use active ahead of passive words - ‘We won the award’ is shorter and easier to comprehend than, ‘The award was won by us’

2. Limit each paragraph to one idea

If you assign just one idea to each paragraph site visitors can:

  • Easily scan through each paragraph
  • Get the general gist of what the paragraph is about
  • Then move on to the next paragraph

所有这些 without fear that they'll be skipping over important information, because they will already know roughly what the paragraph is about.

Limiting each paragraph to just one idea is especially effective when combined with front-loading paragraph content.

3. 实施内容

Front-loading content means putting the conclusion first, followed by the what, how, where, when and why. The first line of each paragraph should contain the conclusion for that paragraph, so site visitors can:

  • Quickly scan through the opening sentence
  • Instantly understand what the paragraph is about
  • Decide if they want to read the rest of the paragraph or not

因为 each paragraph contains just one idea, users can do all this safe in the knowledge that if they jump to the next paragraph they won't be missing any new concepts.

前期吃重也 applies to web pages, as well as 段落. The opening paragraph on every page should always contain the conclusion of that page. This way, site visitors can instantly gain an understanding of what the page is about and decide whether they want to read the page or not.

对于一个伟大的 example of front-loaded content, just read any newspaper article. The opening paragraph is always the conclusion 文章的内容.

4. Use descriptive sub-headings

Breaking up text with descriptive sub-headings allows site visitors to easily see what each section of the page is about. The main heading on the page provides a brief overall view of what the page is about, and the opening paragraph gives a brief conclusion of the page. Within the page though, there are various sub-themes which can be quickly put across with sub-headings.

There's no hard and fast rule for how frequently to use sub-headings, but you should probably be roughly aiming for one sub-heading every two to four 段落. More importantly though, the sub-headings should group on-page content into logical groups, to allow site visitors to easily access the information that 他们之后.

5. Bolden important words

Another way to help users locate information quickly and easily is to bolden important words in some 段落. When site visitors scan through the screen this text stands out to them, so do make sure the text makes sense out of context.

Bolden two to three words which describe the main point of the paragraph, and not words on which you're placing emphasis. 通过看到这些 boldened words site visitors can instantly gain an understanding of what the paragraph is about and decide whether or not they want to read it.

6. Use descriptive 链接文本

In the same way that bold text stands out to screen-scanning web users, so does 链接文本. Link text such as ‘click here’ makes no sense whatsoever out of context so is useless to site visitors scanning web pages. To find out the destination of the link, site visitors have to hunt through the text both before and after the 链接文本.

7. 使用列表

Lists are preferable to long 段落 because they:

  • Allow users to read the information vertically rather than horizontally
  • Are easier to scan
  • Are less intimidating
  • Are usually more succinct

8. 居左文本

Left-aligned text is easier to read than justified text, which in turn is easier to read than centre- or right-aligned text.

When reading through justified text the spacing between each word is different so our eyes have to search for the next word. This slows down our reading speed. 对的, and centre-aligned 段落 slow down reading speed even more because each time you finish reading one line your eye has to search for the beginning of the next line.


These guidelines are nothing revolutionary nor are they difficult to implement.  因为 用户倾向于 scan content on the web hunting for the information, as opposed to reading word-for-word structure your content to allow the user to easily access the information they are after.