
Dr. 戈登·莫尔顿1998 - 2013

A Leader from Within: Moulton ushers in USA’s Modern Era


十大彩票网投平台董事会开始寻找继任者时 作为该机构的长期创始总裁,他们知道吸引人才至关重要 拥有丰富的领导经验和对年轻人面临的问题的深刻理解 城市大学.

董事会不用费多大劲就能找到一位资历独特的30岁教职员工, dean and vice president who had been in the trenches at USA almost from day one.

“The man didn’t seek the job; 工作找的是这样的人。” reminisced Ken Kvalheim, a 美国校友和前受托人参与搜索,导致戈登·莫尔顿 being named USA’s second president in 1998.

Growing up on a farm in southwest Georgia had prepared an 18-year-old Moulton for 作为一名合作学生在佐治亚理工学院学习的严格任务. 在获得来之不易的工业管理学位后,他被授予了一份完整的大学学位 scholarship for graduate school at Emory University. 1966年,莫尔顿加入了学院 of the brand-new USA College of Business.

莫尔顿拥有这所年轻的大学所需要的多样性,他建立了 计算机和信息科学系,后来担任创始院长 of USA’s School of Computer and Information Sciences(now the School of Computing).

He served as director of computer services, dean of administrative services and a 15-year appointment as vice president for services and planning.

在担任校长的15年里,莫尔顿“把牛津大学变成了全国最好的大学之一” 最好的教育机构,为卓越定下基调的社区伙伴, 他在大学里创造了一个经济发展引擎,提供了无数 为莫比尔和整个地区的公民提供就业机会和资源。 受托人山姆·琼斯.

- Ken Kvalheim, a USA alumnus and former trustee
involved in the search that resulted in 戈登·默尔顿
being named USA's second president in 1998.



2007年,学生们收集了2000多个签名,支持启动ncaa认可的运动 美式足球和军乐队. They presented the 15-foot scroll of names and 在一场美洲虎篮球比赛的中场休息时,他把足球递给了戈登·莫尔顿总统.

“当我想到十大彩票网投平台今天所取得的成功时,戈登 and Geri Moulton immediately come to mind,” said James A. “吉姆”扬塞,美国受托人 who knew the Moultons when he was a student at the University.

“在莫尔顿校长的领导下,大学取得了重大成就 每个领域的里程碑,包括学生入学和毕业,学术课程 发展、医疗服务、改善学生生活和校园环境; 研究经费、私营机构捐款、社会参与和促进经济发展; 这样的例子不胜枚举.

同样,杰里·莫尔顿也慷慨地贡献了她的才华、时间和资源 而精力和已经完全投入到成功和改善的不仅是 University, but the total community in which we live.

“我发现与那些如此致力于最高目标的人一起工作真的很鼓舞人心 and the best for this University,” Yance said.


  • Grew in enrollment by a third to a record 15,000.
  • Nearly doubled the number of degrees awarded to 75,000.
  • Quadrupled its scholarship program and created the University Honors Program.
  • Expanded its academic reputation and degree programs.
  • 实现了学生生活的增强,包括足球和游行乐队和新的 recreation, dining and housing facilities.
  • 完成了超过5亿美元的建设,支持每一项任务 大学校长.
  • 通过建立美国米切尔癌症研究所和一个专业,扩大了医疗保健 除了美国儿童基金会 & Women’s Hospital, complementing efforts of the USA Medical 中心和美国卫生系统的医生和专业人员,谁治疗更多 每年超过25万当地居民.
  • 在美国发起了第一次全面的筹款活动,筹集了超过 $93.5 million to support all missions 大学校长.
  • 成为莫比尔最强大的经济驱动力之一,拥有超过5500名员工, and adding $3 billion annually to the area economy.
  • 将合同和资助研究项目增加一倍,实现了同样的卡内基研究 ranking as Auburn University and the University of Alabama.
  • 创建了美国技术和研究园,雇用了600名私营部门的专业人员.
  • Made numerous enhancements to the art, history and culture of the Mobile region.


校长戈登·莫尔顿在十大彩票网投平台教师俱乐部举行的2011年秋季大会上向全体教师发表讲话. 莫尔顿于1966年加入, 在美国成立三年后.

President 戈登·默尔顿 addresses the 十大彩票网投平台 faculty at its fall 2011 general meeting at the Faculty Club. 莫尔顿于1966年加入, 在美国成立三年后.

除了超过47年的服务,莫尔顿支持美国更多 向包括美国在内的众多机构提供了超过700万美元的捐赠 米切尔癌症研究所,莫尔顿大厦和校友广场,杰里莫尔顿儿童医院 在美国儿童公园停车 & Women’s Hospital, student scholarships, faculty support, USA’s creative writing program, athletics and many others. 

Moulton’s contributions have been widely praised by the community. 他被授予 2002年,他获得了“年度最佳公民”奖,莫尔顿夫妇的服务将永垂不朽 2009年,美国董事会为这座新地标命名 Gordon and Geri Moulton Bell Tower and Alumni Plaza.

Moulton retired in 2013, shortly before his death.

“衡量一所优秀大学的真正标准最终是通过其成就来体现的 and recognition of its graduates and the contributions of its faculty through the creation of new knowledge and ideas,” Moulton said before leaving the University.

“任何机构的教师、员工和学生的质量最终都是如此 drives this outcome, and I have been privileged to work with the very best.

“我们是一所综合性大学,肩负着巨大的公共服务使命,其中很大一部分 is associated with our hospitals and clinics. 这些员工每天都专注于 excellent care and treatment of thousands of patients and the easing of disease.

“能成为这样一个机构的一员,我感到非常满意和荣幸, 通过其教学、科研、服务和医疗使命,已取得并将取得 永远继续对无数人的生活质量产生显著的积极影响 people.” 

参加2010年在莫尔顿大厦和校友广场剪彩的是来自 左,受托人博士. Steven P. Furr, E. 托马斯科科伦,克里斯蒂D. 约翰·米瑞. 皮克,唐纳德·L. Langham and Bryant Mixon; U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner; Jim Yance, trustee chairman pro tempore; President 戈登·默尔顿; Geri Moulton; Dr. Joseph F. Busta Jr., vice president for development and alumni relations; the Rev. 托马斯·希尔德. John’s Episcopal Church; Kimberly N. Proctor, Student Government 协会主席; Dr. Jim Connors, Faculty Senate president; and Alexis Atkins, USA National Alumni 协会主席.

参加2010年在莫尔顿大厦和校友广场剪彩的是来自 左,受托人博士. Steven P. Furr, E. 托马斯科科伦,克里斯蒂D. 约翰·米瑞. 皮克,唐纳德·L. Langham and Bryant Mixon; U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner; Jim Yance, trustee chairman pro tempore; President 戈登·默尔顿; Geri Moulton; Dr. Joseph F. Busta Jr., vice president for development and alumni relations; the Rev. 托马斯·希尔德. John’s Episcopal Church; Kimberly N. Proctor, Student Government 协会主席; Dr. Jim Connors, Faculty Senate president; and Alexis Atkins, USA National Alumni 协会主席.

For More:


Gordon and Geri Moulton’s First Day at USA

默尔顿塔 Arrives as an ‘Enduring Symbol’ of USA Spirit