
Residents will have a campus 邮件 box located at the 美国邮政中心 on the ground floor of the Student Center. 你r personal Campus 邮件box number and 邮件ing address will be assigned ten (10) business days prior to your check-in. 你 can check your information online in MyUSA住房.

Payment for this box is included in the housing contract.

All students who live on campus are required to have a personal 邮件 box to receive 邮件. 邮件 is not delivered to the residence hall rooms. Additionally, all packages will need to be signed for and picked up at the 美国邮政中心.
美国邮政中心 window service hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30AM - 5:30PM, except on 假期. The window is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
HOW TO LIST YOUR MAILING ADDRESS (once you've been assigned your box)
你r 邮件ing address should be listed using the template below.

     U [insert number of box] USA
     350 Student Center Circle

For instance, if 南Paw's box number was 555 he would list his address as seen below:

     350 Student Center Circle