Dr. Matt C. Howard

Dr. Matt C. Howard

市场营销 & 定量方法


Dr. Matt C. Howard’s research interests include (a) statistics and methodologies, (b) health and well-being, (c) individual differences, and (d) computer-based training 和发展. His publications have been known to span the fields of Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, 研究 Methods, Human Resources, Human-Computer Interaction, CyberPsychology, and several others. 更多十大彩票网投平台博士的信息. Matt C. Howard, including a full list of his publications, can be found at his Personal Site.


  • Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
  • M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
  • B.S. 弗吉尼亚理工大学心理学博士
  • B.A. 英语,弗吉尼亚理工大学


  • 霍华德,米. C.J .科格斯韦尔., & 史密斯,米. (2020). The antecedents and outcomes of workplace ostracism: 一个荟萃分析. 应用心理学杂志.
  • 霍华德,米. C. & 范·赞特,E. (2020).  The discriminant validity of honesty-humility: 一个荟萃分析 of the HEXACO, Big Five, and Dark Triad.  Journal of 研究 in Personality.
  • 霍华德,米. C. (2020).  Understanding face mask use to prevent coronavirus and other illnesses: Development of a multidimensional face mask perceptions scale.  British Journal of Health Psychology.
  • 霍华德,米. C. & 莱利,P. (2020). Physical courage predicts relevant outcomes in associated contexts: The creation of a measure and empirical analysis into the construct. 商业研究杂志.
  • 头发,J., 霍华德,米. C., & Nitzl C. (2020). Assessing measurement model quality in PLS-SEM: Using confirmatory 综合分析. 商业研究杂志.
  • 霍华德,米. C. & Gutworth, M. G. (2020). 一个荟萃分析 of virtual reality training 项目 for 社交技能发展. 电脑 & 教育.