什么是经济学, 什么是金融, and What is Real Estate?

What is 经济与金融 Featured Image showing business student working in the MCOB lab sitting at computer.



Economics is the study of how individuals and societies choose to produce, distribute, 消耗稀缺资源.  Although microeconomics, also known as price theory, is based on the economic behavior of small economic units such as consumers, workers, savers, firms and markets, it deals with some of the most important social issues 我们的时代.  Examples include healthcare and insurance, environmental protection, employment, labor unions and wages, and other hot topics such as energy, taxation, 和住房.  Macroeconomics, on the other hand, deals with the behavior of the aggregate economy and considers topics such as inflation, national income, and growth. 


Finance is a specialized branch of economics concerned with the origination and management of money, credit, banking and investment. Typical areas of study within finance are corporate finance, investments, financial institutions, and risk management. 企业 finance is the study of how firms raise funds from 投资者, how they invest those funds in return generating projects, and how they distribute those returns back to 投资者.  Investments is the study of securities (stocks, bonds, etc) and the markets 他们在其中交易.  Financial institutions is the study of banks and other institutions which bring together the suppliers and users of funds, and  risk management is the study of how individuals and firms can limit their exposures to the volatility of 现有财务状况.


Real Estate simply focuses on the land and any improvements made to it, comprised of the residential, commercial and industrial categories. 一个常见的误解是 that careers in real estate only involve selling houses. 这是真的,一个实质性 number of real estate industry participants devote their practice to the residential side of the business, but real estate training opens doors to a wide variety of other 职业选择. Typical areas of study within real estate are building, property and estate management, planning aspects from urban to rural areas, advising on finance, investments and land developments, and appraising and negotiating sales and purchase 协议. Finance, investment, and development aspects all include the sale, purchase and portfolio management of investment property and the financing of real estate projects. Planning is the implementation of plans within a given timescale and surveying budget 数量与成本管理. Appraisers and building managers maintain residential, commercial, educational, medical, institutional, hospitality, and industrial property.