



I am originally from a small town in northwest Oklahoma. 我获得了学士学位 degree in education from Oklahoma State University and my master’s degree in educational leadership from 南western Oklahoma State University. 我教了五年的书 还有在皮埃蒙特待了六年. 我在K-12学校的时候, I taught a variety of grade levels and courses in science and mathematics and coached 几个运动. I spent four years as a graduate teaching and research assistant while 完成我在俄克拉荷马州立大学的博士学位. 我于2021年搬到阿拉巴马州开始 my position at 南, and am loving the transition to the Gulf Coast! 我住在 eastern shore of Mobile Bay in the town of Daphne along with my wife and kids. We enjoy getting outside, hiking, going to the beach, and finding new adventures.


我相信教书是世界上最伟大的职业. 教师帮助塑造世界 through their influence on 学生 of all ages, and have the opportunity to help 学生成为终身学习者. 作为未来老师的老师,我的角色是帮助他们 them develop the skills necessary to be effective in their own classrooms while recognizing the significance of their contributions to their own 学生’ education.

When these preservice 老师 come into my classroom, I want them to be a part of a culture of inquiry—where questions, failures, and ‘aha’ moments are a normal part 学习的过程. I strive to model effective teaching strategies while the 学生 learn scientific knowledge and skills alongside teaching methods. 学生 will consider the principles of how 学生 learn and develop curriculum and teaching 符合这些原则的方法. 最重要的是,我希望老师们离开我的教室 很高兴教科学!


My research comprises two main areas: (1) student learning experiences and STEM beliefs, (2) STEM教师的准备.

My research with K-12 学生 examines the types of learning experiences these 学生 have and how those experiences influence their STEM beliefs and goals. 学习经验 happen in a variety of learning environments, and while this starts with the things that happen 在教室里, there are many opportunities for 学生 to learn outside 教室也是如此. Informal learning environments such as STEM camps, science centers, museums, and even family activities have an impact on 学生’ beliefs about their own STEM abilities and eventually their desire to pursue a STEM career.

My research with 老师 involves the development of science content knowledge and pedagogical skills as a preservice teacher and ongoing classroom support for inservice 老师. As preservice 老师 make the transition from college student to classroom teacher, they need to understand scientific content, skills, and pedagogy. 这是 a significant challenge, and we are looking for ways to improve this process for all 学生. As 老师 navigate STEM teaching 在教室里, they are sometimes left with poor guidance or support to develop effective curriculum. 我在探索 these issues with the goal of improving teacher performance to enhance student learning 在教室里.


I am involved in multiple projects with the goal of improving STEM learning and supporting 该地区的STEM职业发展管道. 其中一个项目的重点是连接当地小学 and middle school STEM 老师 to each other and to the university. 这个社区 of 老师 will help new 老师 develop more quickly, connect inservice 老师 with needed resources, and give experienced 老师 an opportunity to mentor and 服务他人. Another project emphasizes connections between local schools, the university, and industry in the development and maintenance of an engineering pipeline. 



  • 教学科学
  • K-6教育


  • eec537教学科学
  • EEC 590科学教育专题
  • EEC 595基础教育实习
  • EEC 598幼儿教育实习