



南’s elementary education program provides extensive field experiences in local classrooms with diverse student populations and outstanding mentor teachers. 那 training, along with courses in teaching methods, prepares candidates for the profession 毕业后立即.


  • 小学教师 
  • 特殊教育教师 
  • 幼儿教育教师 
  • Early childhood special education teacher 




For 科特尼·汤普森, a kindergarten teacher in Tillman’s Corner, Alabama, the education department at 南 became a career planner, a reference center and a professional 家外之家.

After earning her bachelor’s degree in K-6 elementary education, she took a full-time 在W工作.C. 格里格斯小学. At the same time, she was earning a master’s degree in K-6 education, along with certification as a reading specialist.

“你 gain a deeper understanding of the science of learning,” said Thompson. “你 can see that this child learns this way, and that one learns that way, which helps 让你的教学更有效.”

Next, she planned to work on a doctorate in education. 她希望有一天能成为 大学教授. 

“当然,”她说. “我愿意留在南方.”

Thompson grew up in Birmingham, where her mother thought she might become a teacher. 她的一些老师也这么做了.


“I know education is the direct path to changing someone’s future. 我见过这种情况.”


在五年级的时候,我的老师,Mr. McDonald, would have me work with other students,” 她说. “I know education is the direct path to changing someone’s future. 我 亲眼所见.”

在南, Thompson was president of the Kappa Delta Pi education honor society. 她 worked as a tutor and as a resident assistant in student housing. 她活跃于 Baptist Campus Ministries and Reformed University Fellowship.

她 remains a booster and fan of the 十大彩票网投平台.

“I love sports — football games, 篮球 games,” 她说. “我爱我的捷豹.”

At Griggs Elementary, Thompson works to give kindergarteners a head start in learning 如何阅读. 她 tries to be energetic and keep things lively.

“We do so many active, hands-on things in the classroom,” 她说. “我们有音乐 pumping, at times, and we’re reading and shouting those letter sounds. 我们有一个很棒的 time.”


  • Elementary education majors spend many hours of their three final semesters in local elementary schools providing candidates with meaningful experiences and the preparation 他们需要过渡到教学. 
  • The K-6 elementary education program is a dual certification program designed to prepare teachers for kindergarten through grade 6 classrooms. 圆满完成 program 需求 and accompanying tests lead to a recommendation for a Class B certificate in both elementary education and collaborative teaching (special education).
  • Elementary education majors also may qualify for a Class B certificate in early childhood education or early childhood special education through an additional nine hours of coursework, including field and internship experience, as well as additional testing 需求.



K-6 Program Coordinator, Senior Instructor
Department of Leadership and Teacher Education
(251) 380-2668


