Fresh Start: Charbel Mawad Finds New Interests in Campus Life


Charbel Mawad is majoring in 会计 in the 米切尔商学院.  data-lightbox =“特色”
Charbel Mawad is majoring in 会计 in the 米切尔商学院.

#FreshmanFocus is a series of stories on incoming students at the University of 南 阿拉巴马州.

At McGill-Toolen Catholic High School in Mobile, Charbel Mawad excelled academically ——他被选为 米切尔学者 at the 十大彩票网投平台 — but he wasn’t involved in many clubs or activities.

“I’m trying to change that here at 南,” he said. “我想更多地参与进来.”

A friend suggested that Mawad apply for the 第一年议会. 他被录取了. Now he finds himself serving on committees and volunteering for charity events such as Mega Musical Chairs, sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Delta, the health preprofessional honor society and one of the largest student organizations 在校园.  

“We had to referee the Musical Chairs,” he said. “每个人都很忙碌 跑来跑去. 非常有趣.”

Mawad lives at home in West Mobile and has a short commute to campus. 他的自我发展 plan includes working out, learning to cook and finding more time to read. 还有 编写计算机代码.

“我想学一门语言,”他说. “比如c++或Python.”

米切尔商学院Mawad就读于美国 会计, students and professors know his older sister, who is a senior studying finance. “Oh, you’re Leia’s little brother,” he hears. 他也被称为米切尔学者, which includes a leadership program, business internship and work with a faculty mentor.

“Now I know a lot more about it,” Mawad said. “它能帮助你集中注意力,继续前进. 这是件大事.”

在南, he plans to join the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization. 总有一天,他会 喜欢自己创业. 房地产是他的兴趣之一. 或者他可能会 去法学院.

Mawad is from a Lebanese-American family in Mobile. 它起源于美国 include a connection to the 十大彩票网投平台.

“I think one of my uncles first came here,” he said, “to study engineering at 南.”

How often do you see McGill-Toolen classmates on the 南 campus?

“每隔几天来一次. 我们很接近了. 如果我们看到彼此,我们会挥手 和说话.”

你喜欢流行文化吗? 你是电影迷还是音乐迷?

“我听了很多另类摇滚. 像Cage the Elephant这样的团体. 我进入了 他们在隔离期间. 我在看《十大彩票网投平台》.“我看过所有的表情包.”


“I’m really, really, really good at foosball. 我们之前订了张桌子.”


“We come from a village called Ghosta, northeast of Beirut. 我们每年夏天都去那里. It’s a small village, maybe 2,000 people — small enough for everyone to know everyone 其他的. Every time we go, they call me ‘The American.’”


“我会说阿拉伯语和法语. My Arabic is better, but I do plan on taking French for 我的外语在南方.”

你是米切尔学者. 你见过Abe Mitchell吗?

“是的,他进来跟我们说话了. He was friendlier than I thought he’d be, and obviously 非常慷慨的. 我渴望成为他那样的人.”

What’s your strategy for scheduling classes? 上午或下午?

“我所有的课都在上午. 它激励我早起. 如果我的课 were in the afternoon, I’d get up really late. If I have enough of a gap between classes, 我要回家吃点零食. After my classes, I’ll go to the gym or to the library. I usually go to the fourth floor and sit in front of the windows.”


