

Keon农民, 帕斯克里斯蒂安大学护理专业的学生, 密西西比州, says he's learning to play volleyball at the Student Recreation Center. “谁来就来,我们就来 从6点半玩到11点,晚上关门. 这是硬核.“data-lightbox =“特色”
Keon农民, 帕斯克里斯蒂安大学护理专业的学生, 密西西比州, says he's learning to play volleyball at the Student Recreation Center. “谁来就来,我们就来 从6点半玩到11点,晚上关门. 这是硬核.”

Keon农民, a member of the 第一年议会 at 南, has the kind of ready smile and relaxed manner that make it easy for him to meet new people and try new things.

At Pass 基督教 High School in 密西西比州, Farmer was class president and homecoming 王. During the COVID pandemic, he helped reinvent school events and senior programs. 他还为田径队跑跨栏.

At the 十大彩票网投平台, he’s discovered a new sport.

“I’ve been playing volleyball with a group at the Student Rec Center,” he said. “谁 comes, comes, and we’ll 从6点半玩到11点,晚上关门. 这是硬核. Some people played in high school or actually played here at 南.”

Farmer lives in Azalea Hall, where he and his friends “all hang out like family.” Mobile feels like a big city to Farmer, even though he hasn’t seen much of downtown. He’s from DeLisle, 密西西比州, a community of about 1,000 people just north of Pass 基督教.

“这是乡村部分,”他说. “少沙滩,多树林. 绝对是家乡 — everybody knows everybody else, or they’re related somehow.”

On rainy days at 南, Farmer wears a teal-and-orange jacket for the rain and duck 水坑里的靴子. This fall, he’s starting a new campus job with 停车服务. 他正忙着 第一年议会是学生会的一员.

在获得一份 护理 degree, he would like to become a nurse practitioner. 这就是他选择参加的原因 莫比尔大学.

“I knew 南 has one of the biggest 护理 programs close to home,” Farmer said. “Plus, my county is one of the 密西西比州 counties that get in-state tuition. 和 it’s the perfect distance from home — an hour and 38 minutes from my house.”

Do you know a lot of 密西西比州 people at 南?

“哦,是的. Our 同学会 Queen, one of my childhood friends, is here, too. 她是 a Mitchell Scholar, a business and marketing major in the 米切尔商学院.”


“I hadn’t gotten lost until the other day, when I drove for the first time. 我是 dropping off a friend at Shelby Hall, but then I couldn’t drive back across campus 我的班级. 我一路上都是跑着来的.”


“我去看了第一场比赛的下半场. 我得回家参加婚礼,但是 我终于回来了. It was a little hot and humid, but it felt good, being 在大型比赛中. 你可以看到每个人都在他们的时刻.”


“可能是在娱乐中心. 这是一个让你不去想事情的地方. 这是压力 你可以放松一点.”


“最好吃的是炒菜. 我没想到会这么好. 他们 都给你煮好了. 还有披萨,你不会错的.”

How are the first weeks of your 护理 education? 还有别的想法吗??

“I’m pretty dedicated to 护理; I’m pretty serious about it. 放学后,我想 做几年的旅行护士. 你可以赚大钱,也应该赚大钱 是很有趣的. As a long-term goal, I’d like to work in a clinic or medical office 回到密西西比,或者莫比尔. 我是一个不想活下去的乡下人 太远了.”


“We had our retreat and it was good to finally meet all of the people. 我们有不同的 personalities, and we’re from different places, and we talked about what we want to 今年做什么?. 我们要确保所有的学生都有归属感. 有这么多的小组 and organizations on campus, no one should feel 左 out.”


