临床与咨询心理学博士.D. 项目获得重新认证


Dr. 乔·柯里尔和博士. Phillip Smith数据灯箱='featured'
Dr. Joseph Currier(左)和Dr. 两位心理学教授菲尔·史密斯(Phil Smith)领导了这项研究 for 10-year reaccreditation of the 十大彩票网投平台’s Clinical and Counseling 心理学Ph值.D. 程序.

十大彩票网投平台 临床与咨询心理学博士.D. 程序 recently earned a 10-year reaccreditation from the American Psychological Association. This is the maximum possible time period for reaccreditation and represents a significant 项目培训模式和学生成果的验证.

重新认证的过程开始于Dr. 乔·柯里尔担任董事期间 临床培训的重要性。. 特雷斯·斯特福拉克,麻省理工学院副院长 教育与专业研究学院, professor of counseling psychology and a founding faculty member of the doctoral 程序. “Dr. Currier provided enormous effort to craft the voluminous initial self-study 文档. 项目过渡到Dr. 菲尔·史密斯担任导演,他也有贡献 enormous effort to editing the self-study and managing the site visit process, alongside 从副主任,博士的帮助下. Ryon McDermott,和其他项目教员 管理员.”

临床与咨询心理学博士.D. 程序,安置在 文理学院 and 教育与专业研究学院, is a rarity in the United States. The 程序 integrates the two traditions in health service psychology (clinical and counseling psychology) and is among only a handful of such 项目 nationwide. 

“This integration involves combining the emphasis on biomedical perspectives and evidence-based practice from the clinical psychology tradition with the emphasis on wellness,  humanistic and culturally relevant mental health services, and systemic advocacy from the counseling 心理学传统,”斯蒂芬拉克说.

The doctoral 程序 was initially accredited in 2014, and since that time, students have been successfully placed in pre-doctoral internships and post-doctoral fellowship 全国各地的职位. 校友继续在卫生服务心理学家工作 roles, including many who continue to serve the Mobile community and Gulf Coast region.

Dr. 凯特琳舒勒,最近美国临床和咨询心理学博士.D. 程序 毕业,在佛罗里达州沃斯湖长大. 在十大彩票网投平台待了四年之后, 舒勒 spent her fifth year at Canandaigua Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Ontario 县,纽约. 她在十大彩票网投平台开始了她的博士后研究 2023年8月的佛罗里达.

“I learned from VA psychologists how to effectively treat veterans living with posttraumatic stress, suicidality, neurocognitive disorders and serious mental illness,” 舒勒 说.

十大彩票网投平台期间,舒勒曾与琼斯博士一起工作. 心理学教授菲尔·史密斯 focusing on the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide and, increasingly, upstream, 自杀预防的社会生态学方法. 她的论文分析了10年 在区域层面的研究中,生态因素与自杀有关. 她希望 extend this work by using advanced analytics to identify how local contexts and aspects 社区可能有助于提高或降低自杀风险. 

“凯特林的 research represents a fundamental shift in how we think about suicide prevention,” 史密斯说. “For more than 50 years, we’ve focused almost exclusively on trying identify 那些濒临自杀的人并阻止他们. 凯特林的 work challenges us to ask, ‘How can we prevent them from ever getting to that point?’ 在我看来,这就是预防自杀所必须做的.”

舒勒 worked as a graduate assistant at 南 with 学生学业成就 and provided curriculum development and academic counseling in their student retention 项目. 她还在自杀预防实验室工作,提供资助写作 to support suicide prevention efforts in on 南’s campus and in Mobile. 她提供的 clinical services at Eastpointe Psychiatric Hospital, 程序 evaluation for the Mobile Police Department and consultation for community-based policing 项目. 舒勒 also worked at Veterans Recovery Resources as a clinical extern providing evidence-based interventions for veterans, first responders and their families and other members 移动社区.  

“Kaitlyn is just one example of how the work being done by clinical and counseling psychology students is impacting the field of psychology, but also shows how our 程序 seeks to improve the lives of those living in the local community,” 史密斯说.

舒勒 published 14 peer-viewed articles during her five years at 南. 她还 earned $2,000 of internal funding for a project on the theory and measurement of suicidal 通信. 作为一名博士后,舒勒将开始从事这项开发工作 and testing of technology and smartphone applications to promote mental health, wellness 并降低自杀的风险. 

“The clinical and counseling psychology 程序 faculty train graduate students by example to think broadly about the potential impact we can make as clinical-counseling 心理学家,”舒勒说. “随着我们学习如何有效地帮助治疗客户, we also work to improve their contexts through research, advocacy and community engagement. This positions clinical and counseling psychology graduates from 南 well to meet 充分发挥卫生服务心理学的潜力.”


