

Dr. Shanda Scott data-lightbox='featured'
The RISE ANEW program will recruit and train a diverse advanced-practice nursing workforce. 项目总监博士. Shanda Scott,十大彩票网投平台助理教授 and director of diversity, equity and inclusion, shown here, will work with Project 协调员博士. 艾米丽·索耶·本特利.

十大彩票网投平台 护理学院 最近获得了2美元的奖金.5 million grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration for RISE ANEW, its new and innovative Advanced Nursing Education Workforce program 满足对高质量初级保健服务的迫切需求.

HRSA是美国的一个机构.S. 由卫生与公众服务部授予的 grant to strengthen healthcare in Mobile’s underserved and rural communities.

“我们对这项新的拨款感到兴奋。. 希瑟·霍尔,院长兼教授 护理学院的教授. “随着我们继续专注于为社区服务的方式, we strongly believe that as a result of this program’s efforts, the nurse practitioner 农村和服务不足社区的劳动力将增加. 来自这个项目的资金 grant will also improve access to quality care and improved health outcomes. 我们赞赏 项目主任博士的伟大工作. Shanda Scott和项目协调员Dr. 艾米丽 索耶宾利.”

The full name of RISE ANEW describes the program’s goals: Recruit and Increase primary care nurse practitioner diversity; Serve rural, urban and tribal populations; and Expand academic-clinical partnerships Advanced Nursing Education Workforce. 斯科特, assistant professor and director of diversity, equity and inclusion, 说 the multifaceted program is creatively designed to increase the number of primary care nurse practitioners.

“We are thrilled and honored to receive this competitive grant award,” she 说. “ funding will support the training and graduation of advanced practice registered nurses. This includes scholarships, stipends, the strengthening of academic-clinical partnerships and supporting clinical faculty and preceptors, which are experienced licensed clinicians 谁来教这些课程.”

Twenty nurse practitioner students are expected to make up the program’s first cohort 在2023年秋天.

 “我和RISE new项目协调员Dr. 艾米丽·本特利负责 for the recruitment, enrollment and clinical placement of each RISE ANEW trainee,” 斯科特说. “Our goal is to support up to 20 nurse practitioner students each year, with an estimated 80 trained over the four-year period of the grant, including students 来自不同背景的弱势群体.”

The students will participate in a three to six month clinical immersion with an experienced 社区初级保健提供者. 临床合作伙伴机构将移动 县卫生局和富兰克林初级保健中心. 

According to Bentley, director of clinical affairs in the USA 护理学院, the RISE ANEW trainees will begin clinical rotations at the partnering agencies during 2024年春季学期.

“我很高兴能与Dr. 宾利说. “ RISE ANEW grant will allow 南 Alabama nurse practitioner students to get more advanced hands-on experience managing social determinants of health, which will benefit their 患者和社区.”

斯科特说 the nurse practitioner students will receive a scholarship award and stipend 协助支付学费、杂费和生活费.

“This clinical immersion is designed to provide nurse practitioner students with valuable skills necessary to deliver quality and culturally competent healthcare to underserved 有经济支持的人群。. “学生将有机会 to complete the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Healthcare Certificate program, enhancing their competency in social determinants of health and population-focused 健康差异.”

The COVID-19 pandemic also highlighted 健康差异 in underserved communities, with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity/lack of physical activity identified 作为需要处理的卫生优先事项. 

“We hope that the RISE ANEW students trained in this program will seek employment opportunities in underserved communities that need primary care providers,” Scott 说. “We are excited to receive this funding, not only for our students but also for our collaborating partners and the many patients they will serve.”


