护理 Graduate Endows 学者hip in Grandmother's Name


十大彩票网投平台校友巴里·科尔曼最近以祖母的名义捐赠了一项奖学金, 成为护理学院最年轻的主要捐款人之一. 本学期早些时候,他遇到了奖学金的第一位获得者詹妮弗·道林. data-lightbox='featured'
十大彩票网投平台校友巴里·科尔曼最近捐赠了一项奖学金 祖母的名字,成为最年轻的主要捐赠给学院之一 护理. 本学期早些时候,他遇到了奖学金的第一位获得者詹妮弗 道林.

巴里·贾梅尔·科尔曼记得走进祖母的厨房,看着她 搅拌一锅美味的独一无二的羽衣甘蓝,这是他的最爱之一. 他的祖母西尔玛·李·麦肯齐(Thelma Lee McKenzie)住在纽约 他的心.

Coleman, 33, a native of Jackson, 阿拉巴马州., earned his bachelor’s degree in 护理 2013年来自南方. He is a registered nurse at the Queen of the Valley Medical Center 在加州纳帕谷., where he works in the operating room. 科尔曼想给 回到母校是为了纪念奶奶,但本以为他会等到 later in life to make his impact on future 护理 students. 他在美国的经历 然而,手术室教会了他一个人的生命是如何出人意料地结束的. 科尔曼去年决定,他将立即开始回馈社会.

“My grandmother passed away in 2006,” Coleman said. “It was a tough time for our family. 她是女族长. Now that I am making a good salary, I wanted to do something 特别的是在帮助一个护理学生的同时保持对祖母的记忆. My grandmother loved to help others. So, I decided to start a scholarship in her name.”

2019年5月,科尔曼向一名本科生提供了一笔未捐赠的5000美元奖学金 or graduate student from Clarke or Washington Counties. A year later, during USA’s 每年的捐赠日活动,科尔曼在 米切尔-莫尔顿奖学金计划的二比一捐赠日比赛. 的总和 捐赠基金为112,000美元,这使得大学每年可以奖励5,000美元 给来自克拉克县或华盛顿县的本科护理专业的学生. 在科尔曼的捐赠、承诺和配套资金的帮助下,他取得了巨大而持久的成就 对护理专业的学生产生了很大的影响,并成为美国最年轻的主要捐助者之一 护理学院.

科尔曼最近见到了奖学金的第一位获得者,来自杰克逊的詹妮弗·道林, 阿拉巴马州. 道林 graduated magna cum laude in December 2019, with a 3.9年级平均成绩. She is in graduate school at 南 to become a nurse practitioner.

“I am ecstatic to receive the scholarship endowed by Mr. 科尔曼,”她说. “他是 from my hometown and we graduated from the same high school. 我很感激他 generosity and how he is giving back to the community. The scholarship will be an 我有机会继续我的教育,同时减轻经济负担 我和我的家人.”


他说:“我很感激能够通过捐赠奖学金来帮助她。. “I am just getting started. I am currently mentoring a high school student who will hopefully attend 护理 school at 南 阿拉巴马州bama one day.”

Dr. 南学院护理学院院长希瑟·霍尔(Heather Hall)对这份慷慨的礼物表示感谢.

“我们为巴里的成就和他对护理专业的贡献感到骄傲,” 她说. “他一直热情地分享他的骄傲和奉献 护理学院 at the University of 南 阿拉巴马州bama. On behalf of the students, 全体教员和行政人员,我们对他的捐赠表示最深切的感谢 and the development of the Thelma Lee McKenzie Endowed 学者hip.”

科尔曼说,如果没有他们的支持,他不可能完成这个项目 faculty, advisors and mentors. Dr. Aaron Gilligan, assistant professor of 护理 以及二号学术顾问克里斯汀·希尔威尔(Kristyn Seawell)在帮助他毕业的过程中发挥了重要作用 从南.

“Dr. Gilligan is like my second mom,” he said. “护理 is a rigorous program, but she helped me understand the content of my assignments. 这很艰难. 但是,她从来没有 允许我放弃. Ms. Seawell was there to guide me as my advisor by helping 我选择我的课程. I could not have graduated without their support. 他们去 above and beyond the call of duty.”


“Barry is an inspiring individual,” 她说. “His strength lies deep in a sense of 问责制. He simply will not accept failure. When 现在ed with challenges, 在学术上和个人生活上,巴里卷起袖子寻找解决方案. He is a team player at all times. He is acutely aware of the need for individuals to maintain their dignity. Barry’s help is done in a way the individual perceives that they found the ability or strength within themselves. Barry taught me that through 努力工作和灵活性,即使有重大障碍,也可以实现目标 现在.”


“Barry was a well-prepared and motivated student,” 她说. “I am proud of his accomplishments. 他对美国护理学院的贡献将对学生产生积极影响 the 护理 profession for years to come.”

塞尔玛·李·麦肯齐捐赠奖学金将颁发给来自 在每年春季学期克拉克和华盛顿县.


