Nursing Tradition: 南 Student Follows in Footsteps of Father, Grandmother


十大彩票网投平台 nursing student Alli Boudreaux joined her father, 迈克·博, 和奶奶, 安妮塔Sirmon, 南护理校友, 我最近参观了健康模拟大楼.  data-lightbox =“特色”
十大彩票网投平台 nursing student Alli Boudreaux joined her father, Mike Boudreaux, 和奶奶, 安妮塔Sirmon, 南护理校友, on a recent tour 健康模拟大楼的.

经过两年的课堂工作 护理学院 at the 十大彩票网投平台, Alli Boudreaux can’t wait to begin clinical courses 获得实践经验.

“I feel like my nursing education is just starting,” she said. “直到现在,都是这样 严格根据书籍的研究. 我刚要到动手的部分.”

Boudreaux has more family support than most nursing students. 她的祖母安妮塔 Sirmon, is a retired nursing manager who earned her bachelor’s degree 从 南. Her father, 迈克·博, earned a bachelor’s degree at 南 before going on to 成为一名注册护士麻醉师.

On a tour 健康模拟大楼的, her dad and grandma got their first look 一个用来指导学生的高科技人体模型. 三代人有说有笑 about how much things have changed over the last half-century.

“摸摸她的隔膜,”艾丽说. ”她的呼吸.”


“We had to stick each other when I was in nursing school,” joked Sirmon. 事实并非如此 有趣的. 我们是假人.”

The USA 护理学院 is the largest in the state, so it’s not unusual to meet 同一个家族的成员. 三代护理专业的学生, 你会在人群中脱颖而出吗.

For their tour, Alli, a 21-year-old junior, wore blue scrubs with a shoulder patch 美国护理学院. 迈克穿着他在美国健康公司工作时穿的绿色工作服 大学医院.

他鼓励女儿在十大彩票网投平台学习护理. 她的祖母也是. 工作 as a nurse can be demanding, with the stress of weekends, night shifts and long hours, 但它仍然是一个有价值的职业.

“I did it for 30 years and I survived,” Sirmon said with a smile. “这对我很有效. 我爱这一切.”

Alli的临床训练才刚刚开始. Her spring schedule of classes includes pharmacology, 病理生理学和药物管理. 她的父亲提供了实用的建议 辅导家庭作业.


“At this point, I’m kind of attracted to the emergency department, just the excitement 她说. “Long-term, I’d like to do what my dad does as a CRNA.”


Boudreaux’s parents met through the nursing community of Mobile. 她的父亲有时 和祖母一起工作. One day he asked about the young woman in a photo on 她的书桌上.

“哦,那是我女儿,”西蒙说. “我把她的电话号码给你吧?”


她 grew up in Mobile and attended Cottage Hill Christian Academy. 她爱哈利 哈利波特系列书籍和电影. 她最喜欢的角色是哈利的德拉科·马尔福 斯莱特林学院的对手.

她 has a Slytherin snake tattoo behind her 左 ear.

Boudreaux played volleyball at the Christian Academy. 她担任大使 阿拉巴马号. 她穿着一件桃红色的裙子,扮成杜鹃花少女.

“我爱我的城市,”她说. “我在莫比尔出生长大. 我为我来的地方感到骄傲 从.”

Her father, who is 从 Jennings, Louisiana, is one of her role models. 她跟踪 him at work and saw how he joked around to put patients and co-工人 at ease. 她 attended a medal ceremony at the Mobile Convention Center for him and other hospital 工人.

“我记得我当时想,我爸爸很酷,”她说. “我想这么做.”

布德罗决定留在家里上大学. 她考虑过教育,但还是选择了 像她父亲一样学习护理. 她像她妈妈一样加入了菲穆姐妹会.

“当然,”她笑着说. “有其母必有其女. 她有各种各样的 Phi Mu cups and things around the house when I was little.

“我就像我妈妈一样. 她真有趣. 我们都笑得很大声. 我爸爸很保守, 带着干巴巴的幽默感.”

Boudreaux’s grandmother, who graduated 从 Murphy High School, attended the Mobile 普通护理学院. 她成了一名注册护士. 后来,她获得了学士学位 在十大彩票网投平台获得护理学位.

Her father joined the Navy Reserve to help pay for his graduate education in nursing. 这是她正在考虑的职业道路的一部分.

布德罗在十大彩票网投平台的职业生涯起步并不顺利. 大一的时候,她生病了 and wound up spending three days in the hospital with ulcerative colitis. 她记得 how good her nurse was at walking her through her diagnosis and care. 病人的关系 可能是护理中最重要的部分之一.

“If you’re the first face people see,” she said, “your laugh might be the difference 好的体验和糟糕的体验之间.”

Boudreaux knows that nursing requires training and heart. 她已经准备好做临床试验了 工作和医院轮岗,然后开始职业生涯.

她的祖母信任她. 她爸爸也是.

“He says I can do anything I put my mind to,” she said. “这总是令人鼓舞.”


