Responsible Office: Marketing and Communications
Responsible Office: Marketing and Communications


1. 目的

This policy addresses the appropriate and permitted uses of the University’s Mass Email (Daily Digest) system.

2. 适用性

This Policy applies to all employees and 学生 in the University General Division and USA Health.

3. 定义

每日消化: The daily summary of all messages approved for distribution. University mass email messages are distributed once each weekday evening through the Daily Digest.

群发邮件系统: The web-based system through which employees, 学生, departments and offices may communicate announcements related to the official business of the University. The Office of Marketing and Communications reviews and distributes all mass emails submitted during regular business hours

公务: For the purpose of utilization of the 群发电邮系统, 十大彩票网投平台 official business is defined as information about University-sanctioned events, 项目, 学术活动, 行政报告, 日历或日程表, 政策, and registered student organization recruitment and event announcements.

4. 政策指导方针


The only approved users of the USA Mass Email system are 十大彩票网投平台 faculty, staff and 学生 who have been issued an official University email account. This includes @jagmail, @southalabama, and @health accounts. Emails from any other accounts will not be accepted.


4.2.1  The mass email system is intended only for messages from USA employees and 学生 that contain information about University-sanctioned and/or sponsored events, 项目, 学术或学生生活活动, 日历或日程表, 行政报告及公告, 政策, and registered student organization recruitment and event announcements.

4.2.2  The mass email system may not be used for messages sent by or on behalf of external individuals, 组织或团体, and the system may not be used to promote non-University organizations, 企业, 事件或计划.

4.2.3  The mass email system is designed to inform the USA community about important news, and may not be used to distribute individual or group opinions, 社论, 信件或评论.

4.2.4  The mass email system may not be used to distribute press releases, 媒体公告或其他媒体材料. Individual groups may distribute such announcements independently to the media or may contact the Office of Marketing and Communications to request that an official University press release be produced by the University’s media relations team.

4.2.5  Surveys may be sent through the mass email system upon the approval of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Mass emails that include surveys must first be submitted for review and approval to the USA Office of Institutional Effectiveness. You will be notified when a survey has been approved. A copy of the approval must be emailed to marcomm@southalabama.Edu在消息提交之前.

4.2.6  Graphics and photos may not be sent through the USA 群发电邮系统.

4.2.7网站链接, social media sites or other URLs contained in mass emails should direct to a 十大彩票网投平台 website or approved social media account. Links to any external sites require an exception request emailed to marcomm@erebyaparis.com with a rationale for allowing an external link in the message. Such requests will be approved at the sole discretion of the Office of Marketing and Communications. The individuals or offices sending the external link bear all responsibility and liability for external content.


4.3.1  In order to provide fair access and attention to all announcements and information, there is a two-message limit on any content or announcement, even if the messages originate from different senders. The two-message limit is designed to keep each day’s digest to a reasonable and readable size.

4.3.2  The only exceptions to the two-message limit will be for emergent weather situations, 校园紧急情况, 重要的健康和安全信息, or upon request by the University president or vice presidents.

5. 程序

5.1  Users of the mass email system are responsible for reading and understanding the guidelines and procedures for use of the system, which are outlined on the FAQ in the USA 群发电邮系统 Dashboard and on the website.

5.2  All emails submitted to the mass email system are reviewed by the Office of Marketing and Communications for content, 准确性和清晰度. Messages with content that is not consistent with 4.2以上, errors or missing information will be returned to the sender for correction or will be rejected. The sender will be notified of the needed corrections or the reason(s) for the rejection.

6. 执行

The Office of Marketing and Communications has been delegated authority by the President of the University to exercise discretion over approval of messages submitted to the email system. Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy will result in rejection of the proposed message.

7. 相关文档

Guidelines and processes for using the mass email system