梅根·E. Hermance博士

梅根·E. Hermance博士

Department of 微生物学 and 免疫学


Dr. Meghan Hermance于2020年加入微生物学和免疫学系. She received her Baccalaureate Degree 从 Texas A&M University and her Ph.D. 从 The University of Texas Medical Branch. Her training provided significant experience 在对新出现的节肢动物传播病毒(虫媒病毒)开展生物安全3级研究时, 包括在生物防护设施中维护受感染的蜱虫和蚊子群落, and arthropod-host-virus 传输 systems in animal models.


Vector Biology and Emerging Arthropod-borne Viruses

某些虫媒病毒的出现是例证,但不限于最近 outbreaks of Zika virus in the Western Hemisphere; therefore, it is critical to improve 我们对导致病毒出现和传播的因素的理解. Hermance实验室使用蜱-宿主-病毒模型来阐明蜱传播的决定因素 virus 传输 and pathogenesis. Within this framework, the research team seeks 发现虫媒病毒传播周期中可作为目标的生物学薄弱环节 for novel disease control strategies. 


The invasive Asian Longhorned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis原产于东亚,但最近在美国建立了种群 and continues to expand its geographic range. This is a public health threat, because in its native range, H. longicornis 已确定的病毒载体是否与心脏地带病毒(HRTV)密切相关 鹿蜱病毒(DTV),这是两种主要的北美蜱传播病毒. Dr. Hermance’s lab is assessing the ability of H. longicornis to acquire, maintain, and transmit North American tick-borne viruses. Their ongoing studies are evaluating the vector competence of H. longicornis HRTV和DTV,并调查这些病毒是否非病毒血症传播 发生在受感染的本地蜱与未受感染的宿主共食之间 H. longicornis. 获得最先进的节肢动物生物防护2级和3级(ACL-2/3) 研究设施,赫曼斯实验室是唯一准备进行额外的载体 对新出现的蜱和蚊子传播病毒的能力评估. 

Tick-Virus-Host Interactions at the Cutaneous Interface

Skin is the interface between an attached, feeding tick and a host; consequently, 它是抵御入侵病原体的第一道防线 通过蜱虫唾液. 蜱传播的病毒从蜱的唾液迅速传播到 哺乳动物宿主在吸血过程中强调了蜱虫吸血的重要性 初步研究皮肤免疫调节和病毒传播. 扩大 on her previous research examining the role of Ixodes scapularis 蜱虫取食可早期对宿主皮肤产生免疫反应并传播 tick-borne flavivirus, Powassan virus, Dr. Hermance and her research team are currently 病毒感染引起皮肤宿主免疫调节的研究 H. longicornis tick feeding while examining components of the H. longicornis 与促进病毒传播和传播有关的唾液. 他们假设 that expression of key secreted H. longicornis 唾液蛋白在感染病毒的蜱虫进食的早期阶段产生 宿主皮肤上具有免疫特权的微环境,容易滋生病毒 传输. 研究小组的长期目标是产生一种传输 blocking vaccine for H. longicornis-borne viruses based on antigenic combinations of H. longicornis 促进病毒从蜱虫传播到哺乳动物宿主的唾液蛋白.

Neuroinvasion and Neuropathogenesis of Emerging Arboviruses 

在进食过程中,蜱虫接种病原体,包括嗜神经黄病毒 如波瓦桑病毒(POWV),进入高度神经支配的宿主皮肤. It is well documented 神经侵入性POWV病例与两种神经系统并发症有关 中枢和周围神经系统,包括急性脑炎,无菌性 脑膜炎、急性弛缓性麻痹、癫痫发作和其他周围神经病变. 然而,仍然缺乏的是对嗜神经黄病毒是否 能否感染邻近皮肤外周神经元的病媒取食部位,导致 在神经元-免疫细胞相互作用和/或病毒传播的调节. 正在进行的 Hermance实验室正在研究黄病毒侵袭神经的潜在机制 and neuro-immune crosstalk at the skin site of vector feeding. The goal of this research 是为了进一步了解黄病毒感染的神经发病机制和 to develop novel therapeutic interventions for these diseases.  


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