

Assistant Professor of Spanish
Department of Modern and Classical Languages and 文学


  • Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2010
  • M.A. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 2003
  • Licenciatura (B.A.)在地理和历史. Universidad de Burgos (西班牙). 1995


  • 19th, 20th and 21st century Peninsular cultural studies, literature, and film,
  • Regional and national literatures of the Iberian Region,
  • Culture Theory, Theories of Space and Urbanism,
  • Spanish Historiography and Cultural History, Fascisms and Fascist ideology.
  • Globalization and Nationalist movements



  • When Multicultural Landscape Becomes Tragic Stage: Spanish Film and Immigration on the Verge of the Millennium." Toward a Multicultural Configuration of 西班牙: Local 城市,全球空间. Ed. Corbalán, Ana, Mayock, Ellen. Fairleigh Dickinson University 新闻. 2014.


  • Roberto Robles Valencia, Florido J., Martín, L.马托斯,E.,. (eds.)德拉雷: El cine y la cultura quinqui de los años 80. 格拉纳达:艾德. 比较,2014(即将出版)


  • "La nación melancólica: la cultura afectiva del nacionalismo español. 书的手稿.

  • "La Heteotopia como el espacio de la nación narrada en Tiempo de silencio de Martín 桑托斯." Submitted for publication.

  • "Los espacios de la guerra colonial: exploración de la otredad en Imán de Ramón J. 发送方." Prepared for submission on a dossier on "Spaces of exclusion in 20th Century 西班牙."


  • LG 492/ 592 Panorama of Spanish Cinema 
  • LG334 Advanced Grammar and Composition.
  • LG 336 Introduction to Textual Analysis.
  • LG 232 Intermediate Spanish I
  • LG 231 Intermediate Spanish I
  • LG 131 Introductory Spanish I
  • LG 132 Introductory Spanish I