


Your academic, personal, and professional success are very important to all of us 在文理学院. 无论你是新生,还是有经验的人 senior, or a graduate student, there are resources available to 帮助你 on your path 为了毕业,为了事业.


Academic advising in 艺术 and 科学 is normally done by a faculty member in your 主要部门. 如果你还没有决定,或者是社会工作预科专业,我们会建议你 在 艺术和科学咨询中心. In addition to their regular advisor, students in some areas such as pre-law, Social Work, and Pre-Health Professions have a second academic advisor to help them prepare for their entry into the workforce or gain admission to professional school after 大学.

If you are unsure about who your advisor is, or have specific advising needs (such as advising just before graduation)  艺术和科学咨询中心 Office can 帮助你.

的 university also provides online advising portals through Degree Works and 爪子, which can 帮助你 answer some advising questions and look at possible what-if scenarios. 


职业发展办公室 helps students prepare for their career from their freshman year through to finding 毕业后的工作. 职业发展并不仅仅局限于找到全职工作 employment after graduation (although they help with that too), but includes preparation services such as career advising, major selection, and job-search preparation. 美国 Career Development also the place to look first for internships and co-operative education 当你在美国的时候.


咨询与健康中心 provides individual, group, and relationship counseling, as well as a substance abuse 精神卫生突发事件的规划和危机干预. 

咨询与健康中心 also serves as a regional testing center for a variety of national tests, 包括 the ACT, the GRE (Graduate Record Exam for graduate school) 法学院入学考试(LSAT).


联邦调查局 教务长 helps students navigate their way to graduation by offering a variety of services, as well as helping solve problems that may arise during a student's academic career. 校园娱乐, 多元文化学生事务, Upward Bound, and Special Student 服务是学生办公室主任提供的服务之一.


健康的生活和健康是学生学术生活的重要组成部分. 大学 支持健康和健康通过 校园娱乐学生健康中心.

校园娱乐 offers a huge variety of opportunities for physical activity and sports, 包括 intramural sports, outdoor adventures, fitness programs, summer 营地和一个美丽的娱乐中心.

的 美国 学生健康中心 is one of only two AAAHC-accredited student health facilities 在阿拉巴马州. 健康中心提供多种服务,包括诊所, 检测、免疫和妇女保健服务. 


使成锯齿状的成功 (the Office of Student Academic 成功) offers a wide range of academic support 给所有在校学生. 这包括同伴指导(捷豹PALS和si), 学习技巧研讨会、家庭作业辅导和学习社区. 如果你在看 for help studying, preparing for courses, or adjusting to academic life at 美国, the 捷豹成功办公室是一个很好的地方.


的真相 十大彩票网投平台的学生手册是什么. 内幕内容包括 detailed information about student services, registration and classes, housing and 住宿生活和管理学生的政策. 例如,如果你正在考虑 a grade grievance, or have a question about parking, or are just wondering what services 对学生开放,内幕应该是你首先要看的地方.


行政长官办公室 多元文化学生事务 has programs designed to support African-American and other minority students, as 以及大学里的男同性恋、女同性恋、双性恋和变性学生. 多元文化的 Student Affairs offers scholarships, academic and social activities, and Big Brother/Big Sister mentoring programs pairing 美国 students with young people 在 community.

无障碍教育中心 & 残疾的resources

教育无障碍中心 & 残疾的resources offers support for students with physical, emotional, or learning disabilities. 支持 services include providing accommodation to students with physical disabilities, as well help with learning disabilities, 包括 test anxiety or other test-related 问题.


学生会协会 是美国学生的声音吗. SGA官员和成员促进利益和 welfare of the students in a variety of ways, 包括 having an input into appropriations, 支持学生俱乐部,支持学生旅行. 如果你是美国学生, 你是SGA的一员,所以加入吧!


的 文理学院 takes pride in its active undergraduate and graduate 学生研究项目. 研究项目,或创造性活动的情况下 美术专业,每个专业都可以通过 本科生研究项目 (UCUR).

This program includes the opportunity to engage in a research project with a faculty member in your major program, as well as funding opportunities for undergraduate research.

In addition to UCUR, many major programs in 艺术 and 科学 have active research labs, active field work, and numerous creative activities opportunities that undergraduates 可以参加. 和你的导师谈谈,看看有什么可以用的 你的程序.


Study abroad opportunities are available through specific programs in 艺术 and 科学, 具体地说 国际研究现代和古典语言系,以及通过大学的 留学办公室

的 留学办公室 can also help students with making international travel 安排和寻找出国留学的资金.

文理专业的学生可以从众多专业中选择 留学项目.


大学 offers several resources to 帮助你 study and with your academic skills, 包括 作业帮助,学习技巧研讨会,以及一些课程的学生导师(si). 你不需要 have to wait until you are having academic difficulties to take advantage of these resources!

此外,新生在 第一年经验 course (CAS 100) receive additional study skills instruction, and peer-mentoring 通过捷豹兄弟.


被一个大的写作任务困住了? 对自己的语法没有信心 或措辞? 的 写作中心 为任何阶段的写作任务提供帮助. 写作中心教师 不要像编辑服务那样工作. 相反,他们做了更有价值的事情——他们 teach you the skills you need to be an effective writer throughout your career. 任命 建议.